Managing employee absences is always tricky, but with COVID-19, it can be even more daunting.
We are excited to offer Workplace Medical‘s recently enhanced Absence Management software to our clients – an essential part of our broad range of services designed to reduce avoidable absences.
The Absence Management software is a cloud-based HR solution designed to help companies manage their staff‘s sick leave and holiday time in a streamlined process for HR managers, supervisors, and employees. Customers have commented about the improved ease of use, customization of rule-based options, and reporting.
The platform is a key pillar of Workplace Medical‘s three phase approach to reducing avoidable absences:
- Preventing the absence before it happens,
- Responding quickly and effectively when it does happen, and
- Supporting early and safe return to work.
Accurate Tracking and Reporting of Employees’ Time Off
Employee time away from work can significantly impact a company‘s bottom line, but few companies actively track it. Our Absence Management software makes this process easy and accurate:
- It can be customized to incorporate your company‘s policies and is flexible to include workers on varying shifts, in various locations, or areas with different statutory holidays.
- It tracks an individual‘s short-term time away from work, alerting HR when an employee is approaching pre-set limits. A more thoughtful, proactive discussion can provide better motivation and uncover situations where the employee may need more management support.
- It provides absence patterns through data tracking, alerting management to high injury or illness trends in a particular department or areas where additional management training is required.
- It helps companies manage long-term absences, complete with tracking and storing doctor‘s notes, case review reminders, and return-to-work planning.
Say Goodbye to Spreadsheets, Overlooked Emails, and Missed Messages
One of our Absence Management software’s main benefits is the amount of time it saves HR departments. Reports and notifications are sent automatically to the right person at the right time, depending upon the company‘s policies – not personal relationships. And the intuitive user-interface delivers information in easy-to-interpret dashboards. Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar integration are also possible.
Employees can access their information, letting HR concentrate on more essential issues, reducing errors, and providing better cost control and reporting. The platform also has several features for supervisors and employees alike. Supervisors can view all employee leaves‘ full schedules, reduce schedule conflicts, and highlight staff absence trends. They have quick access to crucial information about their team, so employees in need of management support can be identified. Likewise, the individual employees can access their data and manage their leave requests.
Overall, your company will benefit from a much smoother and transparent administration and management of employees‘ time away from work. And plug the leaks associated with inconsistent tracking and policy enforcement.
Absence Management Assistant During The Pandemic
COVID-19 has changed how we need to manage employees and their time away from work, exposing weaknesses in many companies‘ absence management programs.
The software‘s custom features can help you take a more active approach, streamline tracking of a staff member‘s COVID illness or inability to work, determine their fitness to return, provide tracing when necessary, and monitor those who are furloughed or working from home.
Many of our clients use the software to:
- Record data on sick employees with COVID-19 or who are self-isolating and unable to work, vital data for reclaiming statutory sick pay.
- Distribute company updates through the Absence Management Software Handbook, ensuring employees have read and understood and acknowledged each update. This is an integral part of the safe return–to–work process; staff must comply with all changes in working policies and practices.
- Track Furlough scheduling and monitor who is has rotated on and off.
- Track hours of training undertaken by furloughed employees.
- Track staff who are working from home.
- Manage annual leave accrual rates (statutory vs. contractual).
No matter your company size, industry, or location, the flexibility offered by Workplace Medical’s Absence Management software will help your company be more efficient and productive – even during challenging national or international crises.
Contact us today to begin a conversation about how your HR policies can be better supported with Workplace Medical’s Absence Management software.