About Us
We understand the challenges of running an organization in today’s hyper-competitive environment. Success demands a healthy, productive and engaged workforce. And that’s why we exist.
Founded in 1952 by Dr. Franklyn Shapiro, Workplace Medical Corp. (WMC) delivers an unprecedented range of medical-related services to private and public-sector organizations throughout Ontario and across Canada. Throughout the past 65+ years, the mission of Workplace Medical Corp. has remained the same: Keep Canada Working.
No other organization offers Workplace Medical’s industry expertise and breadth of services – delivered nationally. Here is how we can help your organization make the most of its greatest asset – your employees.
Absence Management
We assist companies in the private and public sector reduce avoidable absences through services that help prevent absence before they occur, respond quickly and effectively when they do, and support employees return to work after a medical absence as soon as medically possible.First Aid Training
Medical emergencies are often difficult, even life-changing experiences for those affected. Is your organization ready to respond quickly and effectively when someone’s life is at risk? Having the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond under the most difficult of circumstances can make all the difference. And that’s why Workplace Medical’s first aid training is sought after by thousands of people each year. Designed by first responders, our training programs will give you the confidence to respond in an emergency.
One of the most effective ways to promote a healthy, productive, engaging work environment, and reduce absenteeism, is to introduce a company-wide wellness program. Wellness programs often feature a range of services including tests for blood pressure, blood sugars, cholesterol and Body Mass Index (BMI). They can also include vision screening, pulmonary functions tests (PFT) and training seminars to promote a nutritious diet and active lifestyle. A wellness programs may just give your organization the competitive advantage it needs. All Workplace Medical wellness services are conducted by a nurse or specialized medical physician.
Mobile Hearing Testing
Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the most common, yet preventable, permanent on-the-job injury in the world. With Workplace Medical, you can prevent and even eliminate NIHL. We’re Canada’s oldest and largest hearing conservation specialists – working with thousands of companies and government organizations from . And with our state-of-the-art mobile hearing testing units, we can bring the service to you.
Occupational Health Services
Workplace Medical provides occupational health-related service to clients coast-to-coast. In addition to our seven Ontario-based occupational health clinics, we offer services in every province, and throughout the U.S., with our network of clinics and associate physicians. Our Occupational Health Programs, including on-site medical testing, drug-testing services, company wellness, and flu-vaccination programs, are focused on making sure your entire organization is healthy, safe and productive.
Disability Management
Our Disability Management services are designed to help your employees return to work as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our customized programs will help you manage bottom-line expenses and navigate the often-challenging world of insurance claims, insurance benefits, and government compliance.The Commission maintains a record of Vendor Performance Review of each company completing work for the Commission. Workplace Medical Mobile Hearing Testing scores an Excellent (90% -100%) on all eight performance parameters. We recommend Workplace Medical Mobile Hearing Testing for future work

<div class="card"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <a href="http://www.workplacemedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/WMC-Services-Overview.pdf" target=“_blank"><img class="card-image" src="https://www.workplacemedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/overview.jpg" alt="White Paper"></a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <div class="card-container"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <p class="card-title">Services Overview</p> <!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> </div><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div>
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