First Aid Training Blogs

Workplace Medical Acquires CBHM
We are pleased to announce that effectively immediately, Workplace Medical Corp. (Workplace Medical) has acquired Canadian Business Health Management Inc. (CBHM). We are pleased to announce that effectively immediately, Workplace Medical Corp. (Workplace...

AED Options: What Matters Most in Lifesaving Equipment for the Home and Workplace?
For consumers, there is no shortage of options in what we can purchase. From groceries to vehicles, we are bombarded with information to steer our spending, but when it comes to lifesaving equipment, like an automated external defibrillator (AED), what options are the...

What to Look for When Buying Your Next AED
An AED May Be the Difference Between Life and Death: Five Things to Consider Before You BuyAn Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) is a life-saving medical device that detects heart rhythms and delivers an electric shock to a person experiencing a cardiac...

What Purpose Is the Knowledge Without the Ability to Act? Building the Confidence in Your Workplace’s First Aiders
There are countless programs available that offer first aid training, especially for the workplace.

New Study Reveals Even Trained Individuals Lack Confidence to Perform CPR
If you witnessed a family member or co-worker in cardiac arrest, would you know what to do? As November is CPR month, CPR knowledge and training is being encouraged more than ever. While increasing in popularity, a new study is shedding light on the fears...