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AEDs and Programs to Support Them
Ensure your workplace is prepared for Sudden Cardiac Arrest, so that you and your coworkers can feel safe, secure and confident. This link gives you everything you need to know to make the right decisions, so that in an emergency situation, you can provide help.

Controlling the Costs of Absenteeism – The CFO Perspective
Absenteeism affects the well being of your organization, from profitability to operations to morale. This link outlines the steps to take to confront an issue facing all Canadian businesses, so that you can save your business' valuable resources, and increase its efficiency.

Management Essentials for an Effective Hearing Program
A workplace safety program should cover many common injuries and safety issues, and noise induced hearing loss is the most common occupational injury in North America. A Hearing Conservation Program can limit this issue – and reduce expensive occupational health claims in the future. Everything you need to know about implementing this program can be found here.

A Risk-Management Approach To Managing Drugs And Alcohol In The Workplace
Under Canadian employment law, substance abuse and instances of relapse are seen as a disability, and employers must assist and accommodate affected employees to ‘the extent of undue hardship’ before terminating employment. It is imperative that employers understand their obligations, minimum requirements and how to manage what will likely be a growing requirement for employee accommodation. Read this download to find out more.

Essentiels De La Gestion Pour Un Programme De Protection De Louie Efficace
Un programme de sécurité au travail devrait couvrir de nombreuses blessures courantes et des problèmes de sécurité, et la perte d'audition induite par le bruit est la lésion professionnelle la plus fréquente en Amérique du Nord. Un programme de conservation de l'ouïe peut limiter cette question - et réduire les allégations coûteuses de santé au travail à l'avenir. Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la mise en œuvre de ce programme peut être trouvé ici.

Avoidable Absences Management Guide
Absenteeism is a substantial problem for Canadian employers and an unseen killer of corporate profitability. At the heart of the matter, absenteeism is a cost that needs to be fully understood and well managed. This paper will explore problems behind absenteeism from a CFO perspective. If you are a CFO, or executive with P&L or corporate responsibilities, this paper will provide you with some strategies and frameworks you can use to take on this initiative.
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