Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training
In the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training, shippers and receivers are taught to understand and comply with the TDG Act and Regulations when working with dangerous goods. Participants become trained and competent in their ability to recognize and deal with hazards of handling dangerous goods, fulfilling management’s obligations to providing safe work environments.
TDG Training Summary (4 Hours):
- Shipping names and classification criteria
- Schedules 1, 2 and 3
- Shipping documentation
- Handling dangerous goods safely
- Containment means
- Packaging requirements
- Responsibilities of workers and management
- Understanding emergency response assistance plan requirements
- Reporting accidental release and imminent accidental release
- Safe handling and transportation practices for dangerous goods
- Dealing with emergencies
- Labelling of goods
- Documentation processes
- Placarding
- How to report a spill
- Loading and unloading dangerous goods from the trailer
Note. TDG Class 7 Training is available upon request for on-site training.